We Were There. Here We Are

I've always been asking myself this question, am I a memory? Or is the memory you? Are we nothing, but a collection of memories?

They say that a memory is something you reconstruct depending on small fragments of recollections in your mind. They say that remembering, is the same as seeing an illusion.

What if we'd stopped there, or if we'd turned the corner...
What if we hadn't stumbled over pebbles, or ever gotten lost...
Or what if we had never stopped...
What if, back then, what if,

Innumerable small choices led me onto the road I'm on now. When I was right, and when I was wrong, I was always me. You, her, him, anyone, everyone, we're all right now.

The sad times, the happy times, all of them are precious memories.
Please, let these forever be precious memories for you as well.

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