The Missing-Messy Thing

We'll go to the hometown next week, insyaAllah. Knowing it makes me really happy. Of course I am glad to visit my grandma, meet my big family, and see another side of view. I'm really excited for planning to the joyable trip to Solo and Jogja with my family. We'll spend our whole time ever to enjoy Baron, Parangkusumo, Malioboro, pasar Klewer, and other exciting places, insyaAllah. Just imagining it makes me feel so happy.

But, there's one thing I wish I could never deal with. My aunt asked me to hicking (together) to Merbabu. And all my family will join in. Ahak, it is Zulfa_ a six years old girl, and Sofiya_ a four years old kid, will join in hicking to the mountain! Oh my God, I really can't deal with. It's a real crazy bad idea, isn't it?! Hicking with the two-never-ever-keep-the manner kids is really crazy bad idea. Ohws...

Then, the Merbabu comes in my mind. Merbabu. Merbabu. There's something up there. There's something mess I must clean up there. Guess, shouldn't me do it four years ago?! Well, perhaps it's kinda late but, I hardly won the self battle. I've never fix all the missing-messy situation.

So then, should me do it this time? I don't really know. I mean, I'm not sure I can face it. It was four years ago. And years went out. I just did nothing for four years. What can I face the missing-messy things? Should me just smile and say, "Well, long time no see. How's your life?"?? Or should me give my angry face and say, "There's nothing ever happen between us. So please don't think too much now."? Or what should I give my face to face it?
But, I thought I must finish it soon. I just want to keep the nice moment of Merbabu as mine. And, I want to make sure that all the missing-messy things should be ended.

Merbabu, should I come this time??