Love and Hate

Talkin' about myself is proving how egocentric person i was, isn't it?! But what i've done for a long time since i was a kid is talkin' to myself. When i was sad, when i was happy, when i was in a mood, or when i was in obsessive mode on, i was always talkin' to myself. I supported myself to reach my goal. I blamed myself when i made mistakes. I also cherished myself to gain the happiness. Well, a friend of me to talk with was me(self).

Ahaha, don't you dare call me crazy or out of my mind. My family said that to me. Even, I called myself in that way. Ahahahahaha. Well yeah, so the situation may have been. It' s never mind coverin' my little unwell with a lot of joke or even some discussion about anything. Fortunately, Allah gave me some like a bright brain :uhuk _i mean i'm not a genius or what, i just admit being normal, not stupid over all. That's it.

Well yeah, how unordinary me was not a big deal to discuss. I am accustomed to talkin' to myself in every moment I had. At least, talkin' about myself is just a way to love myself when a half of my heart hated me the most. As kak Farah said, "Dunno why, love and hate in this heart can't be arranged." I'm with you, sist! Ehehehe

No, i'm not feelin' sad nor upset. It's unconditional decision to rearrange love and hate in my heart, even my head. Still, what i've done is all my process to get some progress. Truly, all i want in my life is live happily ever after. Somehow, i knew what i should do. I just can't help being greedy. Poor me. But i would appreciate myself keeping the truth on top of my head. This Love and hate should be rearrange soon.

 "When you talked about perfection, don't you realized you're only human?! Everything happened to their life, will happen to yours." -a twit by Rizky Pebrian